Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Lull

I keep having this small, but persistently annoying recurring thought about how I need to write a journal entry. Every time it comes up, though, I fret a little about what I could write about, and then I shove it back into the far crevices of mind, the spot where goes all my a-la-Scarlett-O'Hara "I'll think about that tomorrow" intentions.

I know I've been intellectually charged from the lectures and discussions in class, but for some reason, I just feel tapped out when it comes to mustering up something insightful to reflect on. I'm wondering if our minds aren't a lot like our bodies and once we've taxed them, sometimes they just need a rest. In the physiology of body-building, after a work-out on a particular muscle group, the muscles won't actually build unless they're given a rest. They'll just remain, literally, in a frayed state and actually begin to break down.

So maybe I'm in a mental lull right now because I have to let the mental workout finish its job while I rest. I can't really imagine getting more frayed in the head than I feel right now.